
While Eli was in Athens we met a few more times. We always got a room in the same hotel he was staying in, and we’d go out to eat, go do other fun stuff, and just talk. We talked about everything. It was like finding the person you were supposed to be with your whole life and having to fill them in on all they had missed. It was like we were supposed to be together from day 1. I’ve never experienced that with anyone before.

We went out with his co-workers to eat and watch a boxing match. We went and played pool one night. But… There was one night that will forever be burned into my brain.

He and I had gone to eat at a Mexican restaurant and we had a great night. We were sitting in the hotel room together and he said he wanted me to listen to a song. It was in Spanish and since I didn’t speak Spanish as the song played he translated it to me in English.

It was yet another moment the world stopped while with Eli. I remember asking him if he was saying the words to me so I would understand or if he was actually saying the words to me. He said… Both!

And THAT I know for sure was the night I fell in love with Eli.

A love I had never felt before. A love that would teach me the meaning of loving another human being that didn’t actually come from my body. Eli captured my soul that night and I visit that memory often because the feeling is one I’ll treasure for the rest of my life.

The song?

Que Bonito Es Querer….

Eli sent me several songs during the time we were together. They always made my heart flutter and I saved everyone. But that song to this day stops me in my tracks, catches my breath, and I can feel his presence in it every time.


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